Welcome To The 'Mr Happiness 2000' Website
Teaching the power of positive emotion to help improve the quality of your life
Because Your Happiness Is My Business
Below are a few of the testimonials received about my group workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions:
“Earlier this year I felt super anxious all the time. Nothing was going right. I guess you could say I had hit rock bottom. Steve (Mr Happiness) introduced me to the concept of meditation - just 15 minutes twice a day that I could do when waking up and going to sleep. I’d heard of it before but hadn’t given it serious thought.
It was hard at first but slowly I started to feel better. My work colleagues noticed I was calmer as well. The turning point for me was September. I started to make my targets at work. I also landed a new job and money started flowing to me from all angles as a result of me feeling so much more relaxed.
It doesn’t happen overnight – this all took me weeks of intensive regular meditation to get to this place. But I’m now loving life!” - P, London 2019
"If it wasn't for your constant positivity and feel good reminders, I know I would have slumped into a life of negativity and depression." - Male client (age 35) who came to us after the collapse of his marriage in early 2014
"This stuff should be taught in schools." - Male, aged 16
"P (age 24) has had Social Anxiety for quite a few years and - before attending your workshop - has had cognitive behavioural therapy, counselling and even hypnotherapy to try and cure him. None of these appeared to have made very much difference at all and he has not easily been able to express his feelings. After only the first day on your course he was able to talk at length about the workshop, saying that he found it extremely helpful, finding himself motivated and ready to try further group sessions. We really feel that this has made a huge difference in the way he now views the world and we are now much more hopeful for the future." - P.’s mother
"I’ve been on other courses before but nothing like this one. This was different to everything else; it was all about me. I wasn’t tested on anything." - Tom (age 22)
"I am writing to let you know how helpful (your work) has been for me. It has changed the way I think about life. I listen to your CD while having breakfast instead of watching TV and before going to bed. Thanks for making the CD." - Alison, Havant - UK
"The teachings really make you take responsibility for your emotions and thoughts and shows you that you can be happy despite your circumstances." – Lisa (age 29)
"I think it is very important for people to get the best out of life and most of us have not got the knack. One day with (Stephen) will help everyone to find their inner self." – Karen (age 44)
"A great day. It’s given me a lot to think about and I know it will change my life and my perception of myself." - CEO of Local Youth Counselling Service
"This workshop has exceeded my expectations, allowing a deeper insight into how to manage positive thinking, allowing positive emotion." - Male, aged 16
"A simple way to obtain a more positive outlook on life." - Male, aged 16
"An excellent, concise look at positive thinking – no jargon, backed with real evidence and made fun." - Support Worker, aged 32
"The session was a good one; it made the students think about what is a good way and a bad way of thinking. The idea of making students think about how they think is a good idea as they all think negative first and it was good for them to have time to think about themselves." - Local Sixth Form College Tutor