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Vortex and fast moving energy...

Hi there. Recently, we talked about indicators. The indicator we receive most is negative emotion. But it can be any type of indicator that tells us we are out of vibrational alignment. Health issues, relationship problems, business problems are all indicators of vibration. Change the vibration and the indication must change. Anytime you are in some situation where it is not as you want it to be - it causes you to ask for a change. In that moment of asking, Source Energy answers then lines up circumstances and events and a rush of energy moves through a veritable vortex. The energy moves quickly and instantaneously towards the fulfilment of EVERYTHING you ask for. The question is, "Are you up to speed with that energy stream?" In these days of fast moving energy, the stream is moving so fast that if you get a little out of alignment with it, the results will show up fast and usually in a big way. In other words, when you are in a car going 100 mph, you pay more attention than if your car is going 5 mph. If the car you are driving at 100 mph hits a tree, it is a much bigger problem for you than if you were driving at 5 mph. We are living in a world of fast moving energy. You cannot be sloppy with your thinking in an environment where energy is moving so fast. You have got to pay attention to your thoughts. But paying attention to your thoughts is nearly impossible. Let's face it, most people can't even control their kids, let alone control their thoughts. Monitoring your thoughts is hopeless. So don't monitor your thoughts, just monitor the way you FEEL. Decide right now that you want to feel good as much as possible and you are going to use the power of your mind to focus on better and better feeling thoughts. I am sure that since you are here with me, that must mean that you are determined to think more deliberately and focus on things you want. I also realise that can be a little tricky when you are in the middle of something you don't want. You can't just pretend it does not exist or pretend it is not happening. You can't just withdraw from your work or withdraw from your relationships.

In other words, you cannot just withdraw from where you are because it has your attention. You must work out of it one step at a time. Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. Truly Caring for Your Success! Dr. Robert Anthony

Teaching the power of positive emotion to improve the quality of your life

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Company Registration No: 04073556


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