The Two Things Louise Hay Did Constantly
In the 29 years I worked with Louise Hay, there were two common themes I experienced. One was Louise’s constant use of affirmations. She used them to help herself and those around her with any and all problems they faced. Louise didn’t just teach others to use affirmations, she used them herself throughout her life. The second thing Louise did without fail was follow what she called her inner “ding”—her name for following her intuition. If Louise’s inner ding told her to do something, she did it—no matter what others felt about it. If her inner ding said not to do something… there was no chance Louise would do it, no matter how persuasive the reasoning. At first, I had a hard time understanding how Louise was so in touch with her intuition and why she was so ardent about following it. But over the years, I started paying more attention to my own intuition and it’s helped me on many occasions. Two weeks ago, I told you about boat shopping in Idaho. After writing that newsletter, I emailed Gordy the boat salesman that we would buy the boat he showed us. It was about 10 PM at night, and I had to drive down the highway a little and get an internet connection to email Gordy and send the newsletter copy to Hay House. Driving back to our ranch, I was excited to tell my wife Kristina that I’d agreed to buy the boat, as we’d talked about it for a few days. When I got back, I told her the news and she said “That’s great! If you really want it and have thought about everything that owning the boat entails…” Kristina fell fast asleep and I laid in bed tossing and turning, thinking over and over about the boat purchase. After about five hours of no sleep, I got up at 4 AM in the morning and emailed Gordy that I’d changed my mind, because I “knew” that my intuition was telling me not to purchase the boat. As soon as I laid back down after sending that email, I immediately fell asleep. When Kristina woke in the morning, I told her what I’d done. She agreed, saying it was probably the right decision to cancel, as she’d come up with many of the same conclusions. But, she wanted me to have the boat if I really wanted it so hadn’t shared them. It’s now two weeks later and I’m so happy I made the decision to cancel the boat purchase. We’ve rented boats while here and things have worked out much better than buying our own. This week’s message is very simple—learn to connect to and follow your intuition. This is one of the many great lessons I learned from Louise over the years. Now, like Louise, I always follow my inner “ding” no matter what anyone else thinks. I hope you learn to do the same (if you don’t already). Wishing You the Best,
Reid Tracy CEO, Hay House