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But unfortunately the world doesn't teach us how to be.


And as many people are finding out: you certainly can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness!


To become a consistently happy person you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the significant power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented on this website and taught in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it certainly isn't on TV; a great many medical and health professionals don't know about it; and you won't read much about it in the negatively focused press.


So how do you get happy? And stay happy? This website and coaching - created by 'Professional Happiness Coach' Stephen Surridge - is designed to help you achieve just that.

The world has been duped into believing that positive thinking is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it can still find themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere.

The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so that you feel calm, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you begin to move confidently through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success.




Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment by moment basis. And this is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel.

It's as simple as that! 





The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include:


* Greater enjoyment of life on a moment by moment basis

* Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life

* Improved relationships and friendships

* Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions

* Increased energy levels

* Reduced sickness levels

* Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life



“Human beings are meant to be happy. Life works when you're feeling happy. And everybody knows this because when you aren’t feeling happy, life completely sucks! Yet too many people are wasting their lives existing in a state of unhappiness. With my coaching, the opportunity exists to make a fundamental change to the quality of your life.”


Stephen Surridge – Professional Happiness Coach


So bookmark this site and follow me on Twitter for regular updates on how you can make being genuinely happy an integral part of your life.


And watch the various media clips on my blog to find out how you can achieve a much happier life.













Join our Meetup group to find out about


our free monthly Zoom workshops

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Living Life Larger is a new live streamed well-being online TV show, set to commence broadcasting to the world in September 2018. And its mission: to make the people of the world conscious of the alternative drug free tools and techniques available to help them enjoy life more.

Poor well-being and mental health are 21st century First World problems. Millions are struggling to cope with day to day living. Globally an estimated 300 million people are affected by depression*. Yet every day the mass media is telling us we can improve our lives by doing things like: taking a walk in nature; thinking more positively; exercising more and improving our diet.

This advice is clearly not going deep enough, addressing the root causes of the problem, presenting people with easy, credible, tangible solutions suited to their lives.

“We live in a world where - currently - there is no mainstream education on how to effectively manage our own mental health and personal well-being. Living Life Larger is set to revolutionise this.”

Bringing together a myriad of well-being experts for online TV broadcast - Spiritual Teachers, Life Coaches, Therapists and Healers amongst others - the show aims to explore (in a non-biased format) the entire well-being spectrum, giving viewers a fun, accessible, detailed and informed insight into the alternative drug free well-being solutions available to all.

The show will explore how different belief systems and practices – such as affirmations and meditation - have helped people successfully overcome a wide range of problems, helping them find and achieve sustained happiness and well-being in their lives.

In a world where many ‘self-help’ concepts are seen as unorthodox - despite their significant long-term health benefits - the show aims to normalise these, making them fun, accessible and appealing to all.

“People who have crashed and burned yet have picked themselves up - and are conscious of how they did it – are the people the world needs to be listening to.”

The show will bring their stories to the world: to offer fresh perspectives and to help prevent others from crashing and burning; and to advise those who have already stumbled and need help picking themselves back up.

“Living Life Larger aims to inform and educate its audience, empowering people to effectively self-manage their own mental health and personal well-being.”


Living Life Larger is by the people, for the people. There’s no media manipulation or celebrities sharing rehearsed personal anecdotes to flog a film, book or CD. The show is authentic truth, coming from the heart, ordinary people wanting to help others. And through the online TV platform, they will be sharing their stories with the world.


Living Life Larger is a radical grassroots online TV production created by a group of like-minded individuals coming together to change the world, using modern technology that is available to all.

The online show is produced entirely by volunteers working on a zero budget to get its message out. It’s true people power.

Filmed using a mobile phone and broadcasting over YouTube’s live streaming platform, the show utilises the app to source the well-being advisers and studio audience; truly a product of its time. The filming location is provided free of charge by WeWork.

In a world where big budget mainstream media is polluting the world’s consciousness with negativity – murder, rape and violence broadcasting on a daily basis – Living Life Larger is solution focused television, broadcasting effective solutions to the well-being crisis, not magnifying the problem.

It’s a show the BBC – with its apparent public service remit - should have been making years ago.

Living Life Larger starts broadcasting live twice a month over YouTube on Tuesday 18th September 2018 at 7pm. Episodes will be available on-demand afterwards at The show aims to build over time a huge online archive of fun and accessible well-being programming, available as a one-stop shop to all.

With mental health being such a personal subject, people of all ages will be able to access this fun, light hearted, solution focused programming in private, avoiding any public stigma they may fear.

To view Living Life Larger, visit


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Teaching the power of positive emotion to improve the quality of your life

© 2014 Touchlife Productions Ltd

Company Registration No: 04073556


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